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Party Bus Ottawa & Exclusive Lifestyle Presents:

PARTY BUS To Markus Schulz

Billets :: Tickets / Package (prices & info)
– Party Bus Ottawa Transportation there & back 35$
– Bus Type ( Coach or Yellow ) will depend on the number of sales
-No Refunds unless event is cancel or not enough people to make the Party Bus

– Bus Trip Ride (Round Trip)
– Bus Trip admin (Bracelet)

Hours of departure & Location will be provided soon / Heures de départ et location seront fournis bientôt

[Bus Trip pickup/drop off Locations:]

College Square
Ottawa (downtown)
Orléans (place d’Orleans)

-Justin Blanchard 613-601-5634
-Roch Grzela 613-795-1695
-Steven Nader (613) 324-8559
-Saif AlMhairat (647) 473-9000
-Fadi Naddeh (613) 426-6200
-Ahmad Ftayeh (613) 276-6962
-Ali Aziz (647) 228-3119
-Julian Sieradzan (613) 276-7859
-Evan Yourth (613) 859-0458
-Kareem Farah (613) 804-2279
-Jonas Bittner (613)-850-3276

Tickets Are On Sale│Please contact
Billets en vente des Maintenant│S.v.p contacte


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Tickets are no longer available

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